How Stock Markets Perform in India During Election Time

By: Daksh Chansouriya | 3 June, 2024

Impact of Elections on Indian Stock Market

Historical Perspective: Stock Market Movements During Past Elections

1999 General Elections: The 1999 elections came after a period of political instability, with several changes in government. The victory of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) brought a sense of stability, which was positively received by the market. The BSE Sensex rallied, reflecting optimism about economic reforms and stable governance.

2004 General Elections: Contrary to expectations, the 2004 elections saw the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) come to power. This result surprised many investors, leading to a sharp decline in the stock market. The Sensex plummeted by over 11% in the days following the election results, driven by fears of economic policy changes and uncertainty over reforms.

2009 General Elections: The re-election of the UPA in 2009 was viewed positively, as it signaled policy continuity and stability. The Sensex surged by over 17% on the day the results were announced, marking one of the biggest single-day gains in its history. This rally was fueled by investor confidence in continued economic growth and reform momentum.

2014 General Elections: The 2014 elections marked a significant shift with the BJP-led NDA, under the leadership of Narendra Modi, securing a decisive victory. The market had been anticipating a change in government, and the Sensex saw a substantial rally in the months leading up to the elections. Post-election, the Sensex continued to rise, buoyed by expectations of pro-business policies and economic reforms.

2019 General Elections: In 2019, the NDA's return to power with a clear majority was seen as a mandate for continuity and stability. The Sensex experienced volatility leading up to the elections but surged once the results were announced. The market responded positively to the prospect of continued economic reforms and policy stability.

Future Impacts: What to Expect in Upcoming Elections

Elections will continue to play a crucial role in shaping market sentiment in India. Several factors could influence market performance during future elections:


The relationship between elections and the stock market in India is complex and multifaceted. Historical data shows that markets tend to react strongly to election outcomes, influenced by expectations of policy changes and economic direction. As India moves towards future elections, understanding these dynamics can help investors make informed decisions. While elections bring uncertainty, they also present opportunities for those who can navigate the volatility effectively.

Investors should stay informed about political developments, monitor economic indicators, and maintain a diversified portfolio to mitigate risks associated with election-related market fluctuations. As history has shown, the Indian stock market has the potential to bounce back from election-induced volatility, often emerging stronger in the long run.

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