What Exactly Is The China Plus One Plan?

By: ISL Team | 2 March, 2023

India's economic growth can benefit from the growing trend of shifting resources away from China and into developing nations. When we were young, our grandparents frequently told us the story of the farmer who put all of his eggs in one basket. If you're not familiar with the tale, it goes something like this:

Why China Plus One?

Portfolio diversification is not the primary driver of the withdrawal of investments from China. These are:

1.Expenses of Labor 2.Structural Reforms 3.Political Unrest

Sectors in India that will profit from China Plus One

Finding desirable areas for investment is the philosophy behind China Plus One. So, we may predict that international businesses will initially consider India's advantages and try to identify industries that are already poised for rapid growth.

These includes:

1.IT/ITeS 2.Pharmaceuticals 3.Metals


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